Penola doubles the number of volunteers at its local SA Ambulance Service station.

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Great news for SA Ambulance Service – the Penola volunteer ambulance team has welcomed six new recruits, doubling the size of their team!

Operations Manager, Bryan Petersen said the new recruits were a big boost to the south-east.

“We’re excited to work with Penola’s new recruits and get them up and running as soon as we can,” Bryan said.

Yvette Cooke, a local volunteer Ambulance Officer was nominated as a Volunteer Recruitment Ambassador to spruik the benefits of joining SAAS. If you recognise her, it’s because she has been the face of the recruitment campaign in Penola.

Armed with lots of experience, Yvette took to the role with great enthusiasm, doing her bit to recruit volunteers who wanted to make a difference to the health and wellbeing of their local community.

“I’ve loved being out and about in the community, from field days to festivals. It’s been a fun experience, and I love meeting new people and talking to them about all things SAAS,” Yvette said.

Two of the new recruits pictured with Yvette are Ryan Hollamby, Ambulance Responder and Lisa Parry, Ambulance Assist.

Ryan joined the team because he was determined to do something in the health sector. “When I left school, I worked in Aged Care and realised that I had a passion for helping others,” Ryan said.

After some gentle prodding by Volunteer Team Leader Louise Perry (pictured), Ryan joined the Penola team. “This, along with a flyer I found in my letterbox, helped me decide to join,” he said.

“I was also assured there was a flexible roster to suit a work-life balance which also helped.”

Lisa also had a nursing background in Aged Care and later became a provider for NDIS. “I missed the medical side of nursing, and when I heard my local station was looking for volunteers I signed up!” she said.

“I have already learnt so much and even had the opportunity to train with our local CFS team at a mock car crash.”

“It’s the kind of role where I feel like I get more back than I give. I really enjoy helping people because it helps me. If I can make one person smile a day, I’m doing ok,” Lisa said.

While the number of new recruits has gone up, there is still plenty of room if you are considering volunteering with SAAS!

By joining SAAS you’ll get free qualifications and Ambulance Cover and can be reimbursed for travel and childcare. SAAS also has a unique employer reimbursement program for volunteers who leave work to respond to emergencies in their local community.

To find out more go to or call 1300 175 584 (during business hours).