$124 million for largest ever boost to frontline ambos
Published: 5 June 2022

SAAS is launching a new campaign to kickstart its massive recruitment of 350 ambos to boost emergency care.
The funding boost will employ 278 paramedics and 57 ambulance officers and 15 emergency medical dispatchers over the next four years.
Up to 115 extra paramedics, ambulance officers, and Triple Zero call takers will start before the end of the year, with 16 paramedics due to start delivering care at Norwood within weeks.
The recruitment campaign will include:
93 new paramedics before the end of July 2023, with some starting from July 2022
- The first new recruits will start withing weeks, with some of the new paramedics providing emergency care at Norwood from July.
- The new paramedics will also work in metro and regional areas including Golden Grove, Marion, Edwardstown, Parafield, Mount Barker and Gawler.
- SAAS will fill the new positions from a pool of highly skilled and experienced paramedics, with several expected to join from interstate.
- SAAS has also opened applications for internships, with double the usual intake, bringing on 102 paramedicine science students overall. The latest group of 32 commenced this week.
Triple Zero call takers
- SAAS will boost the number of Triple Zero staff which is a key service to South Australians seeking emergency help. Adverts are now open.
SAAS will also benefit from a major $187.2 million investment in infrastructure, with five brand new stations, 14 rebuilds or upgrades to stations, a new Emergency Operations Centre, and a State Control Health Centre.
SAAS, Chief Executive Officer Rob Elliott said while recruitment had just opened, it was already sourcing a pool of highly skilled and experienced paramedics, many of which were professionals looking to return to SA from interstate.
“We have some great opportunities opening up at SAAS and I’m looking forward to welcoming new staff who will form a vital part of our frontline teams.
“We know that these additional paramedics, ambulance officers and call takers will help support our existing workforce by reducing fatigue, and increasing our responsiveness to medical emergencies,” said Mr Elliott.
Paramedic applicants will be required to have completed a Paramedic internship or equivalent and be fully registered with AHPRA.
Emergency Medical Dispatch Support Officers (EMDSOs) answer emergency Triple zero (000) telephone calls as well as non-emergency bookings for ambulance attendance. No prior experience is required.
For more information about how to apply visit www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/careers or www.iworkfor.sa.gov.au