Celebrate our ambos this SAAS Appreciation Day
Published: 1 June 2022

South Australians can today say ‘thanks’ to the ambulance service staff and volunteers who have helped them during their time of need, as SA Ambulance Service (SAAS) celebrates its annual Appreciation Day.
SAAS Chief Executive Officer, Rob Elliott said all those who work and volunteer for SAAS have a huge impact on the lives of the people they serve, changing and saving lives each day.
“Our frontline heroes are regularly forced to face challenging and traumatic situations. Today is a reminder to show our ambulance staff and volunteers the support and appreciation they deserve,” said Mr Elliott.
“It’s a job that can take its toll – and while they don’t expect it, we hope a little thanks and a day of feeling special, will go a long way.”
“I am very grateful to all my colleagues in SAAS for their commitment to delivering outstanding and compassionate health care. I am extremely proud to be working alongside these extraordinary and dedicated individuals” he said.
This appreciation day, SAAS is also congratulating its most commended staff led by paramedic Bianca Lane-Sullivan in top position, followed by paramedics, Simone Austin, Nicholas Wall Grace Crawford and Darren McInerney.
Paramedic of 6 years, Bianca Lane-Sullivan said it is quite touching to be personally recognised by her patients.
“To hear that my patients have gone out of their way to share messages of appreciation is humbling. Equally, it’s nice to hear that they are recovering well,” said Bianca.
“Our service has experienced overwhelming support from the community in recent years – it’s a challenging job but public appreciation really helps us to keep going.”
Each year SAAS receives hundreds of messages from grateful South Australians recognising the efforts of paramedics, ambulance officers, patient transport services, MedSTAR crews, Triple Zero call takers and dispatchers, and corporate staff.
Anyone wanting to get involved on SAAS Appreciation Day (Wednesday 1 June 2022) is encouraged take to social media to post their message of support. Those wishing to formally acknowledge SAAS staff can email HealthSAASThankyous@sa.gov.au.