New SAAS precinct is underway

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Construction has commenced on our new Emergency Operations Centre, State Health Coordination centre  and Adelaide ambulance station at Mile End.

As construction got underway, Kaurna Elder, Uncle Mickey O’Brien, conducted smoking rituals around the construction site in July.

“This place has been many things over the years,” said Uncle Mickey. “Now it has the blessing of a new beginning as we let the old go, to let the new come in.”

Led by Hansen Yuncken, the project is due for completion in late 2025.

The on-site ambulance station will house two new emergency crews, totalling 32 paramedics, equipped with four new ambulances, as well as the 24 paramedics and fleet relocated from the nearby Ashford station.

The first group of new Adelaide-based paramedics commenced in July 2024, operating from temporary facilities until the completion of the new station.

Among its standout features, the new ambulance facilities will ensure secure 24/7 operations for more than 143 staff, include post-disaster functionality, and integrate Triple Zero (000) emergency call and dispatch capabilities and other clinical telehealth specialist roles.

This precinct will also serve as the new home for the State Health Coordination Centre, currently operating from Tonsley, providing oversight of hospital capacity and patient transfers within the health system.