New care pathways for older patients commence at Repat
Published: 10 October 2021

Elderly patients now have access to the new Complex and RestorativE (CARE) service at the Repat, improving access to vital health care for Southern Adelaide residents.
The CARE service, staffed by specialist geriatric, nursing and allied health staff and delivered in partnership with SA Ambulance Service (SAAS), has been specifically designed to improve care for older patients by providing alternative treatment pathways to Emergency Departments (ED) where emergency care is not required.
The CARE centre, currently located within the Bangka Strait Ward at the Repat, has six treatment spaces and provides an alternative to the Emergency Department.
SA Ambulance Service, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Rob Elliott said offering alternate care pathways when the individual’s medical needs make this choice possible is both beneficial to the patient’s wellbeing and the broader healthcare system.
“Our lower acuity patients are traditionally those who are likely to face delays – whether in our ambulance response or on the hospital ramp, and such delays can be distressing” he said.
“We see many elderly patients with conditions that don’t always need an Emergency Department and that could benefit from the CARE program. I am certain they will welcome the opportunity to receive treatment in more familiar home settings or areas tailored for their care, possibly avoiding the stress of being admitted to hospital” said Mr Place.
The CARE service pilot is expected to be fully operational in September and will initially provide services between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
The service will be staffed by a multi-disciplinary team, including specialist doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers and administration support.
The service will be supported by a Command Centre which will be digitally enabled and allow collaborative triage and prioritisation between SAAS and Southern Adelaide Local Health Network to support patient care in the most appropriate and timely place.
The CARE initiative takes advantage of the latest digital enhancements in health care, providing greater connectivity and engagement with health service providers and greater access to ongoing care for patients.
The service is staffed by a multi-disciplinary team including specialist doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers and administration support.
Appropriate non-emergency older patients who have called SAAS for help will be offered the services of the CARE team.
The CARE service will initially provide services between 9am–5pm Monday to Friday.