Work starts on Edwardstown station
Published: 17 September 2023

Date: 17 September 2023
Ground has been broken on a second brand new ambulance station within a week – with work starting on the new Edwardstown station, just days after work began on Norwood’s new station.
It marks yet another milestone in SA Ambulance Service’s project to deliver 10 brand new ambulance stations that will house the state’s largest ever recruitment boost of frontline ambos.
The new station, being built at the Repat Health Precinct, will house the 16-person Edwardstown paramedic crew which came online last November.
The station will also accommodate the 12 Emergency Support Service ambulance officers who are due to come online for the region in July 2024.
With a budget of $8 million, the new station is being built by BluBuilt and is expected to be complete and operational by the end of next year.
An estimated 21 workers a day will be onsite during construction.
The station will include training facilities and a garage to accommodate 4 ambulances and 2 light fleet, plus a carport for further fleet.
Site preparations will commence this week, with the concrete pour scheduled for early January.
Comments from SAAS Chief Executive Officer, Rob Elliott
I am very excited to see the first station in the southern metropolitan area commencing and I am thrilled to see major milestones being achieved as we grow our service and improve response times.